English Pronunciation Errors made by Spanish native speakers
Error #1: The consonant "Z" is pronounced as an "S".
Explanation what this error ocours: This error ocour when the students are learning a second language can not distinguish the pronunciation of both consonants, these consonants can sound the same and it is because both sounds are produced in the same place of the mouth. There are some differences. The /s/ sound is a voiceless sound because the vocal cards do not vibrate, and the /z/ sound is a voiced sound because the vocal cords vibrate when you make the sound.
Exercise 1
Instruction: Practice the voiceless and voiced sounds with the following sentences and words. the S sounds are in pink and the Z sounds are in green.
1) Sandy is my sister.
2) Business
3) Scientists
4) Zebra
5) Six boys and girls sat on the fence outside the store.
6) Zippers
7) Practice
8) Cats
9) Buzz
10) Roses
Exercise 2
Instruction: In the follow words you will use red color to mark the words that are pronounced with /s/ and you will use purple color to mark the words that are pronounced with /z/.
1) Miss
2) Bounce
3) Saturday
4) Noisiest
5) Descend
6) Oxygen
7) Because
8) Wednesday
9) Busy
10) Dozen
Error #2 The /th/ consonant sound is substituted with /t/ or /d/.
Explanation why this error occurs: This error occurs because the Spanish speakers do not have the TH consonant sound in their language, they tend to keep the tongue inside for the words with TH, sometimes will result in pronouncing different words the same. Examples: The /th/ in "Thanks" (Voiceless) will be replaced with /t/ and the word will sound like "Tanks". The /th/ in "They" (voiced) will be replaced with /d/ and the word will be sound like "day".
Exercise: 1
Instruction: Read the following text and identifying how many voiceless and voiced sound there are.
Mother's Day Gifts
Exercise 2
Instruction: Write a short paragraph using the following "th" word then in class you will come to the front to read the paragraph to classmates using the good pronunciation.
theater, healthy, athlete, month, thinner, Thursday, think, north, something, marathon, birthday, thankful.
Error #3: The /v/ consonant is pronounced as /b/.
Explanation why this error occurs: In Spanish, there is no phonetic distinction between V and B because both consonants are bilabials, so Spanish speakers confused the pronunciation of these two consonants. Mispronunciation of these sounds can cause some confusion. For example, the word ‘very’ sounds more like ‘berry’, ‘van’ sounds like ‘ban’.The difference between these two sounds is the V is a fricative and to pronounce it, the bottom lip has to touch the top teeth, and the B is plosive, both lips close and touch each other.
Exercise #1: The Clever Parrot
•On the board, write some minimal pairs and drill pronunciation. If possible, listen to all the students individually pronouncing a set of minimal pairs.
•Tell students you are going to point to one of the words on the board and pronounce it. They should only repeat after you only if they think the pronunciation is correct. If they think you are mispronouncing the word, i.e. pronouncing a /b/ when it should be a /v/, they should remain silent.
•Repeat and reinforce the correct pronunciation of all the words on the board.
Exercise #2: Creating your own tongue twister
Example: Bob’s beautiful vase has been visited by visitors vaccinated with available vaccines.
Explanation why this error occurs: This happens normally when Spanish speakers omit the ¨h¨when it should be pronounced. In Spanish the letter ¨H¨is silent, but in English is generally pronounced, is soft, and sounds like a whisper. Moreover, when speakers mispronounce the H, they create a velar fricative instead (just like the ‘j’ sound in ‘jalapeno’).
Exercise #1
• Pronounce and repeat the following 10 words.
•Try holding a piece of paper in front of your mouth when you practice these words. Your breath should lightly move the paper when you make the H sound.
• In pairs, students are going to do a conversation with the following 10 sentences that have the ¨h¨ consonant sound.
• If a student mispronounces the h in some sentences, one student in the classroom, will raise his or her hand to correct the mistake.
• Finally, the student who makes the mistake, will repeat the sentences again.
2.) Who has red hair?
3.) Whose home is high on the hill?
4.) He is here.
6.) Hurry uphill to the house.
9.) Here is her doghouse. It is heavy.
Brenda. (November 11, 2020). 6 pronunciation mistakes Spanish speakers make in English and how to fix them. Oxford house language courses. https://oxfordhousebcn.com/en/6-pronunciation-mistakes-spanish-speakers-make-in-english-and-how-to-fix-them/
Cabal, C. (April 06, 2021). 7 Activities and Ideas to Practise B and V sounds. Blog of Cristina.https://www.cristinacabal.com/?p=14530
R. l. (n.d.). Really learn English. Retrieved from Really learn English:
Hello Fabiola and Sayda! I liked the exercise for the "h" sound, it would be fun to put it into practice, I think it would be a very good way to help students to solve that problem and have fun in the process. Raúl Eduardo Torres Murillo 2018100866.
ResponderBorrarHello, Classmates! Your blog has caught my attention for the colors and didactic material. I liked the exercise of error 4. Because, I consider that "h" sound is one those that I personally had difficulty. I did exercises, and I enjoyed a lot!
ResponderBorrarLizzy Yanel Zuniga Valladares/ 20191006726